Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Multi-media Days

Warning: This post is long and interactive. May require a couple of visits.

My cousin, Dave, has linked me to his blog, and named me a multi-media mogul. My response to that is "hardly." (And I perceive that he probably said it sarcastically.) Truth is I dabble in multi-media because 1. It's a hobby. and 2. I realize that these are Multi-media days. More on that soon.

The multi-media areas that I like are:
1. Video Production
2. Sound Recording
3. Web Design
in that order probably.

I don't have the kind of time to devote myself to any one of these and really develop my skills, so it's made me a jack of these trades and not a master of any. But I have done some stuff on a very part-time basis. Here's my history in this field, for your enjoyment or disappointment maybe. Then I'll finish the post with a spiritual nuance.

Video Production:

To start us off, in high school I started making movies with my friends. This was camcorder straight to VHS editing (really bad). I took two of the early videos that I "directed" and re-mastered them on non-linear computer editing:
Rescue 911- Hazor's Razor
America's Most Wanted- Episode 1 (sequel was never done, so alternate ending was created)

In college I made two (humorous) videos for projects:
LOCfile Hunter (LOC = Life of Christ)- is missing as of now.
Missionary Discipline - starring Emily, Josh and Somer Quade, and Halle Doss.

Then I started making videos for church use (kind of the point of this post):
This link has several examples of these to browse from (note: in Spanish- some funny, some serious, some simple editing, some more tricky (El diablo, Ir o No Ir, La TentaciĆ³n).

I started doing missionary promo videos: The Hellands in Holland and The McClung's In Germany. I also did promo videos for my ministry in Tulsa and the National Hispanic Convention that we hosted in Tulsa.

I did a two promo videos for the ministry here in Brownsville (English and Spanish) as well as a history/building project video and editing a Living Last Supper production. These are all on the home page @ www.ccbrownsville.com.

Now I've got video backgrounds for most of the songs on my CD for concerts. They wouldn't be very fun to watch without the vocals, etc.

I just got some more stock footage (aerials). I'm waiting on inspiration to put it to use in different ways. I might take some and green screen myself flying like the Isaiah 40:31 eagle. That would be awfully strange! I'll make some scripture animations and poem videos maybe submit them to sermonspice.com. I have some more ideas, just don't have the time yet. I'm going to try and shoot some of my own stock footage too here in the valley.

Sound Recording:

I've come a long way when it comes to sound recording. I'd like to redo a lot of the first songs that I recorded by myself. I'll be doing an English album soon. My Spanish album was done entirely at home on Adobe Audition 1.5. Hear it here.
I've produced and played on other Spanish albums, but the English album that I produced and played on that I'm most proud of is Stephanie Pittman's. Hear it here.
Some day I'll post all the old band recordings, give them a permanent home in cyberspace.

Web Design:

I really fake it on this one! I don't know hardly any html. I got into homestead.com when they used to be free, and am a charter member. So I get really good deals through them. I wouldn't use them were it not for that. I also picked up Namo Web Editor, but haven't learned it well yet. Some sites I've created are:
There have been others (not very good ones), but these are current.
Emily created www.fishkids.homestead.com. I put videos of the kids on this site.

Spiritual Nuance:

I believe that the church and all its missions should be as cutting edge as the culture which it strives to change. In this day and age, media is the powerful agent of information and influence in all areas of life. That is why I take a particular interest in the field of Christian media.

In these days people are exposed to millions of messages though the vehicle of media. I understand that it takes a lot to compete with the quality that secular media puts out, even though our message is so much more lasting and true. Big churches can do it, because they realize that today the HAVE to! (By the way southeast's vine service is giving out media @ http://vineresources.com/.) We need to try and do what we can. When Moses didn't feel capable, God asked him what he had in his hand. I take what I have in my hand and use it for God with the best quality that I can. In 1 Chron. 12:32 it spoke of the "men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do." We should de the same, understand our times (media driven), and redeem the times as the days are evil (Ep. 5:16).

I know of some students that are producing incredible videos, far better than what I've done. We need more of that. We need tech-savvy people, and those who aren't need to incorporate stuff from www.sermonvideos.com, or www.sermonspice.com, or www.cityonahillproductions.com, or www.bluefishtv.com. The philosophy of visual metaphor is discussed at length at www.midnightoilproductions.com. The list of resources at our disposal could go on. But these are all in English. Who's gonna make stuff for Spanish churches? I hear the voice of the Lord, "Greg, what is that in your hand?"


At 8:09 AM, Blogger Dave Smith said...

I take exception to the perception the my conception of you as a media mogul was merely an inception of sarcastic banter ... on the contrary, I was amazed at the vast variety of media offerings on your website. This alone was my reason for such ... dare I say ... a inagural reception

At 8:39 AM, Blogger Gregory Fish said...


You have the spiritually gifted with the gift of Christian sarcasm.

I just wanted to let you know.

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Dave Smith said...

Wow! Again with the shot about sarcasm ... please note my next statement (like Paul, I write this with my own hand) ... I was not being sarcastic. I was impressed with the variety of media options you have at your web site ... would love to have those talents and abilities on our staff here at Southwood. You are high ranking in my list of "favorite cousins" (with Kim being my favorite, of course). Please don't take my comments about your media prowess as sarcastic in anyway. They are genuine.

At 1:41 PM, Blogger Gregory Fish said...

Thanks for the compliment. And thanks for calling me a "pansy" after MY restaurant review on your blog. Oh, and thanks for the "favorite cousin." (Now I need to figure out a way to get Kim out of the number one spot...)

At 3:40 PM, Blogger David G. Fish said...

You guys be nice! BTW, what is a schlub?


At 3:47 PM, Blogger Charissa said...

Where do I rank, cousin Dave? Did my torturing your dog with Annie eliminate me from the Top 10?

At 8:05 PM, Blogger hector ramirez said...

Gregory compare!
mi correo es hectorramirez@earthlink.net.

Estuve escuchando un poco de tu musica. Super bonita. Estas tocando super bien.
Yo tambien estoy dedicado a la grabacion en mi estudio casero/artesanal. Uso CoolEdit pro (now Auditions) y Reason 2.0 para produccion. Algun dia te mostrare lo poco y nada que he hecho.
Un abrazo. Estemos en contacto.

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Dave Smith said...

Okay ... to my Uncle Dave: from Answers.com ... "schlub - n. slang. - A person regarded as clumsy, stupid, or unattractive."

To my cousin Charissa: this is awkward as you played one of the villians in the book, but I must live with the embarrassment of having spelled your name wrong (of course, my sources killed me on that one ... Michelle). With so many cousins who drink when we have family reunions, I must confess to enjoying hanging with the non-drinkers during those "drinking opportunities". Not that I do not enjoy their company otherwise, just not a big fan of the adult beverage consumption. So as long as you are not regularly "tying one on" you are firmly in the top 5.

Anywho ... gotta go to sleep ... big day tomorrow ... have to talk to the police regarding the theft and vandalism of our church. Nice, huh?

At 10:13 AM, Blogger Charissa said...

Yikes, Dave! I hope your visit with the police went well. I'm glad to know I'm in the Top 5. I was hoping for the Top 10. I guess that's one of the many benefits of not drinking. So...the Fish cousins occupy 3 of the Top 5 spots? That's pretty high praise considering we have so many cousins, Greg and Kim! I've enjoyed visiting with you, Dave. You gotta love these blogs!

At 10:58 AM, Blogger Gregory Fish said...

And I'm glad that Greg's Fishing Hole could be the gathering place for top 5 cousin countdowns.

At 7:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

greg why do you always have to be so jealous of me!!! thank you cousin dave for realizing the my greatness!! and greg you will never get the number one spot!!!

At 9:33 PM, Blogger Dave Smith said...

Oh yeah ... Kim is a firm #1 ... ah, speaking of Kim, is it too late to send you (er, her) money for the mission trip. I recently had an unexpected winfall and wanted to send it along. Let me know ... if not, I'll try and find another place to send it. But wanted to check with #1 Cousin first.

At 5:35 AM, Blogger Charissa said...


Dave isn't the only one who has realized your greatness. Anybody that knows you would notice. Sorry, Greg, I know this is supposed to be about you. I couldn't help it! :-)

At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well dave...yes in fact i am not quite finished with my support. i leave in 16 days and am lacking still about 600 dollars...so anything will be more than helpful!!! thank you!!! greg you're pretty great too!! didn't mean to steal away your attention when in fact this is your blog...i'm just not quite down with the blog thing yet so instead i'm just posting comments and terrorizing everyone elses!! i think you're wonderful and i'm not just saying that because you have to two cutest little boys alive!! and if it makes you feel better i did watch some of your videos...so although all these comments are mainly about the top 5 list and nothing about your current blog, know that someone did look at it!! i watched the Hazor's Razor...classic!!!


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