Dan Brown's DaVinci Code is creating quite a stir of energy and perhaps in the minds of unchurched Harry and Mary mass confusion. The church needs to be ready to separate fact from fiction, and do it in a loving way. Tom Hanks, one of the actors in the movie version that is coming out on May 19th put it this way:
Tom Hanks says that the movie version of Dan Brown's best selling book The DaVinci Code will have people flocking to church."I think the movie may end up helping churches do their job," said Tom Hanks telling US magazine Entertainment Weekly."If they put up a sign saying: 'This Wednesday we're discussing the gospel", 12people show up. But if a sign says: 'This Wednesday we're discussing The DaVinci Code,' 800 people show up," he added.
Apologetics is back! In order to enable our church-goers to have intelligent conversations around the watercoolers of America there is a lot of good material out there. I am cheap and stingy, so I have made it a point to seek out quality material that is FREE. One of many resources I have found is located at this link. Scroll down to March 27th radio program, and listen online to ten radio snipets 3 min. a piece. Also click on a title for the transcript of all ten. Probe also has some great powerpoint presentations with speaker notes here.
Outreach Magazine also has a very good article on the subject. This pdf makes a nice full color print-out: link
If you're interested in an actual seminar Yvon Prehn offers a seminar that is very affordable, especially in light of Lee Strobel prices. I've met Yvon at a Church communication seminar; she's very good. She has two free articles on the DaVinci code here including "Why you should care about the Da Vinci Code."
One workshop done at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is available fro audio download in its entirety here (10 sessions)!
I think that's enough to get started. If you're looking for a better answer than National Geographic's response (which wasn't too bad) all you have to do is a little searching.
Let's seize the opportunity provided by erroneous entertainment!
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