Gone Fishing...way gone.
This last Saturday I was gone...gone fishing-- deep sea fishing. This was a first-time experience for me, and maybe the last. My description up top says that I don't fish, I don't like fish, etc. I hold to that.
I was happy to try it out. We left the port after taking two Dramamine®. I was having fun (I even had a "King of the World/ Titanic" moment), and then I rushed to the little on deck bathroom. Although I didn't actually produce anything, the time in the bathroom was not fun. I stepped out and people instantly took notice of my color. I was wearing a white shirt, so someone pointed out how my face and lips even blended right in with my shirt. At this point we were about ready to stop and fish. Everybody started getting the squid-bait ready and a deck hand sliced up a big ol' fish for more bait. I immediately took to the back of the boat thinking that was the best place to be incase I needed to feed the fish (almost did too). I decided to take two more Dramamine® even though that's too much of a dosage. I went to lay down. The first spot we stopped at was teeming with fish. I heard the sounds of fish flapping around. I was just wanting to be back on the shore. The day had only started.
Another rookie had prevously offered me a chewable Bonine tablet. I had previously declined, however by this time I accepted. After sitting out a couple more stops I dared to eat a little something. People were talking about catching something for me to take home, since I wasn't doing any fishing at all. Other's had already caught sharks even.
Finally, I was ready to fish. I wasn't so ready to bait the hook with squid, but had I to do it. Long story short, at this point I was alright. I caught one Red Snapper that was over the 16 inch limit so I was able to keep it. All of the others that I caught were under the limit, so I had to throw them back. Since the rods each had two hooks, at one point I one on each hook, but they were both less than 16 inches long.
We arrived to shore and I went straight to the church, showered and got ready for the Saturday Night Service. I led the singing and that went fine. I closed my eyes to pray and found myself moving again like as if I was on the sea. After the service, I contemplated cancelling the Christian Poker night, but it was already set and people were on their way. After that I crashed. Even though I'd showered I still smelled like fish!
I've heard that fish tastes better when you caught it yourself. I don't believe it. Well, Emily and the boys liked it. I am glad I went. Now I can say I've been there and done that. But if someone invites me to go fishing again, I just might have to tell them that I'm gone.
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