Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Valentines Day is a yearly reminder of what love is, or isn’t. I guess if we really want to learn what perfect love is, we must go to the source—to the author of love. My friend, Andrew Melton, will soon be bringing a group down to work with us and some of our missions in Mexico. He wrote a song back in high school that we used to play in our band. It was simply entitled, “God is Love.” The age old question that philosophers have pondered for centuries “Why are we here?” and “Who is God?” can be partially answered by those three little words—God is Love. In this song, Andrew asks, “Does God have a starring role in your Broadway Play?” He’s basically asking if God has a place in our hearts, and if He is a priority in our lives. In retrospect, perhaps a more pertinent question would be “Do you have a starring role in God’s Play?” God wants to show us perfect love, so that we can play a part in showing that love to others. He has faith in us to play this important part in His unfolding plan.

He has a lot riding on us. Those words were penned by Ted Dekker, a missionary kid turned author, who wrote the Circle Trilogy (Black, Red, White). These books are very unique but so well thought out. In the story the main character goes between two different worlds or realities/dimensions. One of those is where we are today; the other is a metaphorical world where we see God and Evil in totally new but similar ways. God (or Elyon in the books) has designed what is called the “Great Romance.” His people follow this Great Romance as a parallel for what God has done with them. He pursued us, and he rescued us. He is crazy about his Bride, the church (the circle in the books), and is wooing others to come into a relationship with Him. It’s not a new idea. It’s just another analogy to consider and appreciate. Such is Song of Solomon which vividly encapsulates the concept of God romancing mankind. Has he won you over? Or are you playing hard to get? Do you love Him? In doing so, are you showing it by loving others?


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