OK. Even though I was born overseas I have been known to tear up when I hear "I'm proud to be an American." Yet today I found myself routing for Greece and hoping that the USA basketball squad would lose. I did the same thing during the Olympics, rooted for the other teams. Before you write me off as unAmerican, just hear me out. The original dream team was just that-- a Dream Team. Jordan, Johnson, Bird, etc. That was when all the games were blowouts, and everyone knew the USA would dominate. Now we are being put to shame, and they call it upset. It is an upset, we should still dominate, but to me it's an embarassment. Now I'd root for US of A in soccer if we could catch up the rest of the world in that sport, but face the facts the rest of the world has caught up to us in the game of basketball. They say, we don't have enough time to prepare. These other teams have played together before. The rules are different. Boo hoo!! The other teams play like a team. The other teams play defense. The other teams shoot high percentage shots. The other teams aren't stocked with superstars who want to hog the ball and build up their own stats. That's why we are now losing at these events. One would think that were paying these guys enough money so that they could learn to make some of their free-throws. I mean, if I was getting 90 million a year,

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