Please pray for our new service. Contrary to most churches, our "contemporary" service will be the early service. This is due to me having Spanish service at 10 a.m., and no other time but 8:30 a.m. for the other. This church has never had this type of service, but it's been a long time comin'. I just hope it goes over well, and can be embraced even by some Winter Texans when they get here. I hope it will open new doors in our community. I hope it will be yet another blessing that God will bestow upon us here in Brownsville, TX.
Enjoy the teaser for the new service: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je0ZiyjJA4g
Good luck with that. I couldn't see your picture because it's blocked at work and you know I can't watch the teaser at home because I'm still stuck in dial up world, but I'm praying that the contemporary worship service will go over well. Keep us posted!
I wish I could come.................
Again, we think you are a genius! Keep up the good work!
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