Before I moved down here, I checked online to see if there was a plasma center. There was. I called the number sometime after arriving, and the number was disconnected. So 9 months went by and no plasma donations. I was clean for that long. Then I overheard someone talking about Biomat Plasma down on 13th and Adams in downtown Brownsville. Shortly after, I was on the bed hooked up like an addict or something. I went to donate for the second time today. I was the only Anglo again, but that's fine, I'm beginning to memorize the infamous plasma questions in Spanish now. My $35 dollars today went straight to the gas tank.
The other day, we went to our sister church in Matamoros and participated in their 11th anniversary. Coming back, I was detained longer at the border than ever before. This was because I overheard the agent singing a Christian song under his breath. So on a saturday night with a long line of people behind, we broke into bilingual worship, talked about church and life, and left mutually encouraged.

I rented "The Second Chance" last night. I was curious about it, and wondering if Smitty could act, and Steve Taylor direct. But overall I was impressed. I thought it had a good message and was not "preachy" or too "corny." We as Christians need to see more of these positively uplifting films being produced at higher standards. Reviews will vary from person to person. Critics aren't fond of faith-based products, and frankly up until recently the movies produced by faith-based or Christian groups have not been great or produced with hollywood quality. This passed my skeptical test, as did End of the Spear. Both should be seen and not just by Christians. We are making strides, yes we are.
Thanks for the heads up, will have to check it out. I saw End of the Spear and thought it was decent (maybe a little overacted), but I concur, it is great to see Christian film makers putting in the effort to produce not only a quality storyline, but a quality product as well. If you have not seen Hometown Legend (produced by Jerry Jenkins), it is a pretty solid effort. Of course, take this with a grain of salt since I like most sports-themed movies. I also thought the movie Joshua was pretty good as well, except for some theological wandering.
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